There are sabian symbols of Aquarius.
AQUARIUS1:An old adobe mission.
AQUARIUS2:An unexpected thunderstorm.
AQUARIUS3:A deserter from the navy.
AQUARIUS4:A Hindu healer.
AQUARIUS5:A council of ancestors.
AQUARIUS6:A performer of a mystery play.
AQUARIUS7:A child born of an eggshell.
AQUARIUS8:Beautifully gowned wax figures.
AQUARIUS9:A flag turned into an eagle.
AQUARIUS10:A popularity that proves ephemeral.
AQUARIUS11:Man tete-a-tete with his inspiration.
AQUARIUS12:People on stairs graduated upward.
AQUARIUS13:A barometer.
AQUARIUS14:A train entering a tunnel.
AQUARIUS15:Two lovebirds sitting on a fence.
AQUARIUS16:A big businessman at his desk.
AQUARIUS17:A watchdog standing guard.
AQUARIUS18:A man unmasked.
AQUARIUS19:A forest fire quenched.
AQUARIUS20:A large white dove, a message bearer.
AQUARIUS21:A woman disappointed and disillusioned.
AQUARIUS22:A rug placed on the floor for children to play.
AQUARIUS23:A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.
AQUARIUS24:A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his experience.
AQUARIUS25:A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.
AQUARIUS26:A hydrometer.
AQUARIUS27:An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets.
AQUARIUS28:A tree felled and sawed.
AQUARIUS29:A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.
AQUARIUS30:The field of Ardath in bloom.
Would you like to see the Savian symbol for your birthday?(Places of birth are Japanese area only)